2024 Recap

The Lower Beaver Neighborhood Association exists to “be a welcoming neighborhood that people want to call home by fostering an environment which supports vibrant, viable businesses; provides quality housing stock for a diversifying population; offers enriching opportunities for community; features attractive parks, trails, and recreational opportunities; is environmentally responsible; and maintains an effective infrastructure for all residents. In 2024, the association was able to advance this mission in several key ways.

To support vibrant, viable businesses in the Lower Beaver Neighborhood, the association has continued to advocate for improvements along the Douglas Ave. corridor. In 2024, city officials hired a consultant to complete plans for streetscaping and other improvements to be completed beginning in 2025. Additionally, it is hoped that the construction of a new apartment complex on the former site of Plaza Lanes will spark a wave of new businesses in the area.

During 2024, several residents participated in the city’s Block Challenge Grant. Woda Cooper Corporation began construction of a new apartment complex on the north side of the former Plaza Lanes site. This development will add 40 units of quality affordable housing to the neighborhood. Also, the Legacy Apartments at Twana Dr. and Lower Beaver Rd. was sold to new owners.

For several years, the LBNA has focused the bulk of its efforts and investment in community-building events. In 2024, the association again partnered with Debra Heights Church to host one of the largest Easter egg hunts in the metro area. The third-annual Summer Fest was held July 13, and despite excessive heat saw more than 200 people in attendance. In September, the LBNA hosted its annual Neighborhood Night Out event to bring neighbors together for a casual cookout, and in December, the association held its annual winter social event. Additionally, the LBNA planned and hosted 5 general meetings.

The LBNA was encouraged to see several new people step forward to participate in its Adopt-a-Park program. LBNA leaders coordinated volunteers for the Polk County Mega SCRUB event, which was recognized as one of the largest, best-run Mega SCRUB events in the city, and the neighborhood’s infrastructure was expanded significantly when Metronet and Google installed fiber optic networks.

In addition to these priorities, the LBNA has been recognized as a leader among the city’s 47 recognized neighborhoods. The LBNA Summer Fest event was featured in a handbook distributed to every neighborhood leader, and the LBNA has been hosting quarterly learning sessions for neighborhood leaders from across Ward 1.

In the next year, the LBNA will continue to work toward the revitalization of Douglas Avenue and better engagement with businesses, apartment complexes, and new residents. It will develop and implement better follow-up with existing members and recruit new members. It will continue to focus on cultural diversity and developing main events.

In order to continue in its mission, however, the LBNA needs more help. Residents are therefore encouraged to get involved by attending meetings, paying their dues, and volunteering for any of the great volunteer opportunities shared throughout the year. Together, we can realize our mission of building a neighborhood people want to call home.