LBNA to sponsor Mega SCRUB event; volunteers needed!
On Saturday, May 18, the LBNA and other northwest Des Moines neighborhoods will sponsor a Mega SCRUB event at Polk County River Place (2309 Euclid Ave.) from 7:00 am until 1:00 pm.
SCRUB events are held monthly from April through November at the Metro Solid Waste Transfer Station. They offer Des Moines residents the opportunity to dispose of items that do not fit into the regular garbage toter, used tires, and appliances. Yard waste is also accepted at the Compost Center. Mega SCRUB events are held four times per year in neighborhoods around the city. In addition to all of the services offered at a regular SCRUB, these larger events offer hazardous waste disposal and personal document shredding. Click here for guidelines for what is (and is not) accepted at Mega SCRUB events.
Mega SCRUB events rely on volunteers from the sponsoring neighborhoods to run smoothly. Volunteers will check IDs to ensure patrons are Des Moines residents, direct traffic, and other tasks as needed. Sign up now to volunteer!
Mega SCRUB events are also an opportunity to support the LBNA! Patrons of the event are given the opportunity to donate money to support the sponsoring neighborhoods. Donations are then divided among the neighborhoods based upon the number of volunteers they provide.